Motorway Police Jobs 2019 Accountant, Computer Operator
Vacant Positions:
Computer Operator (BS-16)Assistant Director (BS-17)
Accountant (BS-16)
Required Education:
Graduation, MatricAge Limits:
20 to 40 yearsGenders:
Man and womanTotal Seats
110+ SeatsMost Popular Other Jobs
How to apply for Motorway Police Jobs 2019
It is suggested that candidates who meet all the criteria are presented online at the official website or through the web link provided below.
Those candidates who do not have access to the Internet Facility can apply in a written request on plain paper that includes complete information to the FPSC Secretary.
The written (descriptive) MCQ test will be held on March 29, 2020.
Candidates who are already involved in the Government / Sovereign Bodies / semi-autonomous bodies must submit their applications through the appropriate channel.
Applicants have to pay the test fee of Rs. 300 / for BPS-16 and 17, Rs. 750 / for BPS-18, Rs. 1200 / for BS-19 and Rs. 1500 / for BS-20 and previous publications, in the NBP Bank, Government Treasury, and State Treasury.
The written (descriptive) test of MCQs will be held on Dec 16, 2019.
Motorway Police Jobs 2019 Accountant, Computer Operator
Last Date to Apply: December 16, 2019.
To Apply Online: Click Here