Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Military Accountant General jobs 2019 Junior auditor (960 vacancies) NTS Online Apply

Military Accountant General jobs 2019 Junior auditor (960 vacancies) NTS Online Apply for the latest Pak Army vacancies. The last jobs of the Military General Accountant are for new civilians with Pakistani nationality and who are looking to recruit in that Department of Government that works under the government of Pakistan and in the following we will discuss the latest jobs in Pakistan.

Military Accountant General jobs 2019 Junior auditor (960 vacancies) NTS Online Apply 

Image result for Military Accountant General jobs 2019 Junior auditor


Nov 11, 2019

Last application date: 

November 25, 2019

Education required: 

Graduation, intermediate,


Male ,Female

Age required: 

18 - 30 years

Total Positions: 

1046 Region: Pakistan

Eligibility Criteria for Military Accounts Junior Auditor Jobs 2019:

A bachelor's degree in second class trade from the university recognized by HEC is required.
Write speed of 30 w.p.m. is required.
An individual must have computer skills.
The applicant's age must be 18 to 30 years.

Vacant positions with basic scales and number of vacancies:

Stenotypist (BS-14) (14 Seats)
Data entry operator (BS-12) (72 Seats)
Junior Auditor (BS-11) (960 seats)

How to apply for General Military Accountant jobs:

Interested candidates who meet the above requirements can submit an application online by visiting www.nts.org.pk.
Holders must complete the online application form and press the Submit button.
After completing the online application form, print it and pay the test fee on the deposit slip prescribed at any online branch of ABL, HBL, MCB.
Send the printed application form along with the originally paid copy of the deposit receipt as a test fee to the NTS headquarters, 96 Street No. 04, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad.
Military Accountant General jobs 2019 Junior auditor (960 vacancies) NTS Online Apply 

Last Date to Apply: November 25, 2019.
For Online Application Form: Click Here
Address: NTS Headquarters, 96 Street No. 04, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad.

Military Accountant General jobs 2019 Junior auditor (960 vacancies) NTS Online Apply

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  1. A.O.A dear all!
    I have some confusion that on the post of Junior Auditor they asked for the qualification of Graduate in commerce... But my qualification is B.sc in Economics and Master is in computer science. So I can apply on the post of Junior Auditor? Plzz clear somebody I'm very confused.. thanx

  2. my qualification is B.A GENERAL KIA MAIN APPLY KR SKTA HUN
