Saturday, March 16, 2019

PPSC - Educators Books, Past Papers & Preparation Data for all BPS-14

All data about NTS Educators is uploaded here, in which Past Papers, Sample Papers, Previous Papers, Previous most repeated MCQS, repeated questions,famous books, AEO preparation data and past papers, all science and arts subjects material, ESE-Science, ESE-Arts,SESEs, SSE's material is available. You can Read online or can download files, all files and books are available in PDF format.

Educators-Pedagogy-MCQs-Books and sample Notes

Elementary School Educators ESE Arts(BPS-14) Test Preparation Material including Books, Previous Papers and sample Papers

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  1. Biii kia ap mjha books e.S.E science k liyay wtsup k saktay ha plzzz btain

  2. Biii kia ap mjha books e.S.E science k liyay wtsup k saktay ha plzzz btain

  3. Sir, apke pas ese science (chemistry) bps 14 k liye koi book ya recommendation he?

  4. Ese science k paper me sb sciences(bio, physics, chem)include hote hen kya ya sirf candidate ka special subject.
