Thursday, December 6, 2018

AIOU Allama Iqbal Open University Announced Tutor Jobs | All Pakistan

AIOU Tutorship registration form 2018 is provided here on this page. Candidates who want to do their duties for us as a tutor or as a teacher for Allama Iqbal Open University.

Candidates you can apply here online for tutorship.  Candidates must check out the last date of submission the registration form for the tutorship which is mentioned down on this page. AIOU is a biggest Educational institute in Pakistan which is established in 1974 in Islamabad and starts its work as a research Institute. This university is on 4th number in the university ranking list which is performed its duties for 11 Lac candidates

For the sack of holding those candidates university permits to become the tutor every year for two times 1st in the spring semester and second in the fall semester. The candidates who want to become a tutor and want to check out how to become a tutor in Allama Iqbal Open University criteria is also available here. Candidates who want to download the tutorship registration form 2018 it is also available here on this page.

Candidates who are going to register for the AIOU (Allama Iqbal Open University) must require at least (BA, BSC, MSC, MPhil or Ph.D.). Candidates who have those degrees are allowed for tutorship in AIOU. Male and Female both candidates are eligible for tutorship in AIOU. Candidates will be selected on merit and those candidates who have experience for this post must prefer then other new applicants.

Willing candidates who are going to apply ensure one thing they must have to apply for their own region such as (Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Gujranwala, Sukkur, Sargodha,) or other cities. Details for Allama Iqbal Open university tutorship and eligibility criteria are mentioned below on this page.

Latest VIP Jobs New Announced


2nd class or above Minimum Degree
 Govt teachers in BPS-14 and above At
least two years teaching experience


2nd Class or above Master degree in
the relevant subject
Govt teachers working in grade 11 to13
Three years good experience required.
iii) M.phil/Ph.D degree holders. No
treaching experience required.


2nd class or above Master degree in
the relevant subject
M.phil/Ph.D degree holders. No
treaching experience required.


2nd class or above Minimum degree in
the relevant subject
Teachers working in private insititution.
Five years post qualification teaching
experience required.

B.Ed (New programme and )ADE

2nd class M.Ed, M.A Education or
v)Teachers working in reputed large school
networks affiliated colleges with
Board/Universities and degree awarding
insitutions. Two years post qualification
teaching experience required.


2nd class Master in relevant subject
perferably having an M.phil/Ph.D
visiting faculty members of the
Universities On year post qualification
teaching experience required


Ph.D in the relevant field
Ph.D degree holders

Download tutorship Form Click Here

How Can Apply For AIOU

Registration forms for the tutorship are provided here on this page. So candidates you can download the registration form here on this page and fill up the whole form carefully then dispatched the documents with it. Candidates will forward this registration form with distinct documents to Directorate of regional service. Here online Challan form is also available you can download it and submitted to the bank. Make sure this fee is not transferable and not refundable. Candidates who will be selected must receive tutorship cards.

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  1. Form to dwnlod hogya but challan form ni nzr araha

    1. Chalan form kha se download hoga? Nd last date kia ha? Fee b bta dyn kindly

    2. m ny psychology m master kiay hwa frm peshwar uni can i apply plzz repl

    3. Mai ny kiya hoa ha or sath alama fazala b kiya hoa ha M.A k barabr ha kiya mi kar sakti hun

    4. Sir mn ny aiou sy B.A B. ED kia h mujhy job ki ashad zarurat hy mujhy is k lia kia karna ho ga aur last date kia h plz inform me

    5. Kia ye dubara start ho rha hai tutorship Wala program

  2. walon ny apply krna hy tu experience zarori hy kia.

    1. M nay aiou sy kia hay or ab masters ka scnd year cntinue hay teaching experience bh hay mery pas one n half year ka. Form fill ker k then ksy apply krna hay like challan form etc wo knha sy milay ga or last date kia hay

  3. Bsc waln k liay experience zaruri ni rit r PlZz last date b bta da

    1. Last date btaa dein plzz aur BA open sy e kiya ha tu experience zarori ha k nai??? Plz cnfrm

    2. last date kb hy ? KINDLY REPLY MUST..

    3. last date kb hy ? KINDLY REPLY MUST..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. BS final year waly apply kr skty? Agr haan to experience required hy us k liyee? Or kitny duration ka required hy?

    1. Ma ny f A kia hva 10 sal ka experience ha fazlat ka course b kia ha kia ma applykr skti hn

  6. Form fill kar k send kahan krna hai?

    1. next week se announced ho gi phr sab kuch ho ga

    2. last date inki applicationski kia h

  7. Is this correct news???, any source???

  8. Challan form kahan se download krna h plz tell me

  9. Masters part 1 clear 2nd part continue .also done b.ed can i apply

  10. Ma ny BA kea hua Kia apply kr skti r private school me 2 year experience b hai

  11. Bcs 2nd part Waly apply kr skty hn?

  12. I want jobs I read in first year my academc experience

  13. Apply krny k liye experience zruri h kya??

  14. Sir tutorship apply krna k liya zruri h k ap n opn uni sy he degrees hasil ki hun ??plz reply

  15. Chalan form kha se download hoga link bejh dyn..... Nd fee kiya ha ? Knse bank jma krwana ha or last date bta dyn kindly.

  16. M nay masters in urdu kia h nd b.ed can I apply please tell me

  17. chalan form show nhi ho raha, kast date b mentioned nhi hai kahi b, anyone have information regarding this?

  18. A0A mene Bscs kia hai or academy experience 3 year ka hai kia me apply kr skti hu ? Or kb se apply krna hai ???

  19. I am a professional having over 33 and 1/2 years of professional experience of Teaching / Training , Engineering, quality assurance,HR & Administration, Procurement etc
    Teaching Experience :Mathematics to XI & XII; Teaching experience of teaching Automobile & Thermodynamics, etc ; Professional Development Trainings ;
    B.Sc; BE ( Mechanical Engineering); LLB; B.Ed; Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2008
    My email
    I want to be a tutor with AIOU

  20. I need job masters last semister countinu can I apply this job

  21. I have done B_ed kia job k leay experience must h

  22. plz tell me mster in psychology waly b apply kr sakty

  23. Registration form dwnload kia h pr open he nhe ho rha

  24. Mainy b.ed ar m.ed kya hwa hai kia mai apply kr skti hun?? Laikn mera koi job experience ni hai plz bta dain

  25. Main ne BA keya h Kia m apply it skte h 4 year experience

  26. M ne masters kia hua teacher education aiou se but no experience any job kia apply kar skti ho

  27. Ma ny BA kiya howa hain or experience b haun 1 sall ka or acdmy ka b experience hain kaya ma apply kar sakti ho ?

  28. mere bsc complete nahi hy albata experience hy teaching ka tu kya me apply kar sakta hon

  29. What is the last date to apply for tutorship?

  30. online challan ka proces kia hain koi bta sktya hain ya form kesa submit krwna hain

  31. Salam sir main ba kr rahi hon aiou say kiya main applay kr sakti hon replay me

  32. Assalm u alaikum
    BA continue..
    Can i apply??
    Plzz reply i need the job

  33. apply kaha pr krege bank k zrye???

  34. form fill kr k kaha submitt krna hai??? ye b tu bata de...

  35. What is the last date for it, and where from the bank challan will be downloaded

  36. submit kahan krna ha form or challan form kahan sy mily ga

  37. where is the challan form plz guide me

  38. I have done MBA having no teaching experience can i apply for the job?

  39. Fsc medical kia howa hai kia mai apply ker skti ho kesy kerna h plz help me

  40. Ma ny B.A Kai hova h ab ma punjab sy M.A Kar rahy hn.kai ma apply Kar sahkti hn or from Kahn sy mily ga or fee Kai h plz help me

  41. Koi bata sakta ha k agr private teaching ka experience ho to apply kr sakty hain??? Ya govt teacher ka experience he chahiy must msc ha meri

  42. I think this is fake news, nothing is exactly mentioned,last date ka to jwab hi nhi kisi k b pas

  43. Hi guys this is all fake
    Tayyyaba ali apko koi huq nhi pohnchta dusro k emotions ko hurt kro ap,kai logo ki zindgiyan jurri hoti jobs se,ap jhoot bol k kya sabit krtay ho

  44. Guys..
    Search aiou official page,unho ne is fake news pe clarification notice dia huwa hy

  45. chalan form kha sy download hona???

  46. Challan form nhi hai idhar aur code for courses kahan se pata krayn ?

  47. Icom Waly b apply kr sakty hain??

  48. F.A waly apply kar sakty han kea five years teaching experience

  49. Website par ase koe news nahi hay ap ko kea lagta hay ap dosro ko bewkof bana lo gay asa wahe kar sakta jo mentally disturb ho

  50. Kindly send detail of Last date & Challan form as soon as possible.

  51. Kindly send the details of registration form and the last date of submition it as soon as possible.

  52. Please send the details of registration and the last date of submition the challan form as soon as possible.

  53. Please send the details of registration and submit of challan form as soon as possible.

  54. Assalam o Alaikum mana FA kiya ha BA continued ha aiou to MNA teaching nai ki to kiya ma yaha apply KR skti ho plz informe

  55. How can I apply plzzz details about this job

  56. Mene fsc ki hui ha..or bs zoology kr rae hn..teaching experience nh ha..tu kya mai apply kr skti hn?

  57. if Msc is continued n having no experience, then we applied for this job.

  58. Asslam o Alikum ma na F.A keya ha or B.A cotinue ha or sath alama fazala b kiya hoa ha M.A k barabr ha kiya mi kar sakti hun.

  59. Mny Bs kia hoa h.or aiou sy B.ed ka admission bh bhja hoa kya mn tutorship kyle apply kr skti hn

  60. mai BSCS kr rai hOo r maira 2 saaL ka experience b hai tw kya mai appLy kr skti hoo
    pLz teLL me sir

  61. Mare fA chal Rahe ha Pr mara pas two years experience ha nimra

  62. A. O. A sir kindly tell where I submit my form.
    Chalan form can't download.

  63. challan form bank se mil jay ga???

  64. Plz new government jobs Ka batain Jin ki date abhi Baqi ho????

  65. Sir main homeopathic Dr hon Sath me homoeo college me in 9 years lecturship ki hy about kal aiou k through BA k 1st semester me hon or faisalabad k school me teacher hon. Kiya main tutor ship k liye apply Kr salty hon.

  66. How i can get the chalan form and what is the last date to apply?

  67. Meny M.Ed kiya hua ha aiou sy kindly mjy btaen k mn apply ksy kru...kya mmjy job mil skti k ilawa mny urdu mn masters km asters kiya ha or MBS kr rhi hu..thanks

  68. I need job MA NY B. Ed
    Air M. Ed Kia hoa hy

  69. Kindly mujy batana jab vacancies ai

  70. Mainy aiou sy BA kiya h.kya main apply Kristi hu tutorship kliye???

  71. last date kiya aiou tutership ki

  72. Main ne tutor ship k lie apply krne ki koshish ki this mgr experience na hone ki wja sy fee pay nai ki.mgr ab mujhe fee information k lie msg mila nai. Kya krun

  73. Main ne tutor ship k lie apply krne ki koshish ki this mgr experience na hone ki wja sy fee pay nai ki.mgr ab mujhe fee information k lie msg mila nai. Kya krun
